Around the Center

Awaken 2020
A New Year Celebration
& New Era Activation
at the Sedona Creative Life Center
Thank YOU for your contribution1
Release . Embrace . Celebrate
Heres a video just for YOU!
Not Simply Another Party!
Takes place in Sedona ...
the City of Light
The Dawn of a New Era
Beckons You to Join in Community
& Share Our Light with All Humanity
Enjoy the Entire 20 hours or Select From

Dec. 31st, 2019
1 pm to 9 pm
1 pm to 1:45
Heart Opening with Ilchibuko
surrender 2019 with appreciation & gratitude, review lessons and triumphs in order to complete the years evolution into the new you
2:00 pm to 3:00 pm
Larry Show
Larry tells his ups-and-downs life story, serving as an "awareness mirror" of your life's dynamics
3:15 pm to 5:45 pm
Opening Fire Ceremony with UQUALLA
join UQUALLA for a traditional Fire Ceremony in the Peace Garden and experience a releasing ceremony where we write down what is from heart and offer it to the sacred fire
6 pm to 9:00 pm
Sound Journey & Breathwork
by Valerie Sanjali Irons & Daniel Posney
sink deep into the now, letting go of the past, embracing what is, to allow for what will be
$55 for adults
$20 for kids 13 & up
Dec. 31st to Jan. 1st
9 pm to 1 am
9 pm to 10:15 pm
New Year's Cuisine & message from Mohanji
nourish your body, mind & soul with conscious food
Awaken to 2020 with a
video message
from spiritual guide Mohanji
10:30 pm to 11:50 pm
Portal Opening by Astarius Miraculii
bridging 2019 to 2020
as he guides us in the transition using transmissions, didgeridoo, vocal harmonics, affirmations and meditations.
11:50 pm to 12:10 am
Light, Sound Show Countdown
+ Yummy Mocktails
light up the Steeple of the Creative Life Center & spread our light to the whole world
12:15 am to 1 am
with UQUALLA in Ceremonial Movement
regenerate, re-awaken, rebirth through native dance
and honor the body, spirit connection as we enter into the new 12 moons
$55 for adults
$20 for kids 13 & up
January 1st, 2020
1 am to 9 am
1 am to 1:30 am
Celebrate the New Year
1:30 am to 3:00 am
Conscious Heart- Centered Journey Dance Kelsey Erin Sky will lead us out of the mind and into the body to experience emotional freedom and joy
3 am to 5 am
Yoga Nidra
with Marga Samadhi
experience deep rest and relaxation while being bathed in multidimensional sounds and vibrations
5:15 am to 6:00 am
Sincerity Bowing for Your Inner Guidance
bow, gain inner guidance & connect to your true Self
6:15 am to 6:45 am
Light Breakfast
enjoy your first bites for the New Year
7 am to 9 am
Sunrise Ritual & Fire Closing Ceremony
join together as UQUALLA guides us on an Earth Touch Altar Ceremony for the first day of your new life vision. Then seal Awaken2020 with a traditional fire closing ceremony
$55 for adults
$20 for kids 13 & up

Masters, Mystics, Entertainers & Healers

Uqualla is a spiritual emissary, ceremonialist, universal wisdom keeper who is born of the Havasupai Tribe that live within the Grand Canyon. He is an international presenter and is being guided by Spirit to now offer this service here in Sedona, the gateway into the potent sacred lands of the Colorado Plateau region.
Evoke your inner spirits into consciousness. Uquallas' avant garde form of ceremonial theatre keeps the audiences spellbound in pure tribal ritual magic.

Valerie Sanjali Irons
Valerie Sanjali Irons is an artist, sound alchemist, breathwork practitioner and kirtan wallah practicing in Sedona, AZ since 2014. She founded Sanjali Healing Arts in 2018, bringing all her modalities together. She is immersed in the world of sacred sound and offers private sessions - “Soundwave Journeys” - using her Soundwave Bed™, as well as group sound alchemy journeys.

Astarius Miraculii
A dedicated spiritual teacher who has been serving and empowering the community for more than 40 years. He is a sound healer, astrologer, author, poet, reiki master teacher, ascension ambassador.

Daniel Posney
Daniel Posney (of Sedona) is a “wayshower” and alchemist with shamanic medicine for those who are seeking clarity and empowerment within their lives. Daniel’s “medicine” is his intuitive guidance, life coaching, trans-personal psychology, and energy medicine to assist clients to break through mental limits and emotional barriers.

Larry Rosenberg
Larry’s life purpose at 75 years of age is to encourage and assist people to feel free to be themselves, and share more love, joy and creativity with the world.
Entertaining and singing have been a vivid part of Larry’s life. After being a much-applauded child singer, he experienced rejection and psychological woundings regarding his creative expression, which had wider and long-lasting repercussions on his emotional development.

Brahmarishi Mohanji
"Mohanji is an internationally renowned humanitarian and philanthropist.
Through his non-denominational teachings of unconditional love, faith, and purity, he guides people to raise their awareness towards the highest values such as compassion, kindness, and goodness."
Mohanji will be sharing a message for 2020 to bring the world together.
Ilchibuko Todd
Sedona 120 School Principal
Tao Fellowship President
Tao Master & Spiritual Energy Healer
Nearly two decades of experience as a mindfulness expert and life coach, Ilchibuko Todd truly believes that personal growth and development can be achieved by anyone at any age. Her expertise is in guiding people to discover their perfect health, joy, and greatness within them.

Marga Samadhi
Marga Parvati Samadhi, aka Mishåa. has descended on Earth as a Light Giver, a Way Shower, a World Bridger.
In today's language you would say that she is a Light Worker, a Cosmic Shaman, or a Medicine Woman.
Stu Zimmerman
Stu has brought a unique blend of wit, science and higher consciousness through TV, radio and print media for almost 20 years. Founder of Only the Source, a transformational media production company, he currently hosts the RESET video podcast series.

Sonya Belisle
Spiritual visionary, who has aspired since childhood to create a community of learning dedicated to knowledge and practices that connect us to our true selves.

Kelsey Erin Sky
Kelsey Erin Sky is an Empathic Healer, Visionary Artist, Moon Priestess & Transformational Leader. She will lead us in a conscious, heart-centered JourneyDance out of the mind and into the body to experience emotional freedom and joy.
20 Hours
20 Hours of Activities
Release the past that no longer serves
Sink Deep
Raise your vibrational presence - individually and collectively
Enter the Portal in Communion and Community

For the Benefit
of All