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About Soni Gangadean
Soni Gangadean is a devoted yoga practitioner who has been dedicated to the practice for over three decades. As a student of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali and the Eightfold Path to Enlightenment, she studied at Tierra de Milagros in Costa Rica with world-renowned teachers Larry Schultz and David Swenson, under whom she became certified.
Soni's dedication to the spiritual side of yoga was instilled in her by her grandfather's family lineage who brought yoga to the West and she continues to promote its benefits for the body, mind and soul.
Soni was the founder of Devi Yoga studio in Sedona, Arizona and her passion is about helping others embrace their authentic selves and discover the hidden power within them.
Her practice aims to foster a connection with the divine and ignite transformation and empowerment within all who she encounters.
"Just the like lotus we too have the ability to rise from the mud, bloom out of the darkness and radiate into the world." - Unknown

Raja Vinyasa with Soni Gangadean
Unlock your most powerful self and unleash your highest potential with the Royal Path, Raja Yoga. Raja Yoga encourages an unparalleled spiritual journey, one that takes you to places within yourself you've never explored. This path does more than just sound nice, as its methods are guaranteed to bring you tangible benefits. These can be seen in your career, interpersonal relationships and overall physical and mental wellbeing. Tap into your most enlightened self through the profound practice of Raja Yoga.
With Raja you get to elevate yourself to the true meaning of yoga - ‘Yuj’, which translates to 'yoke', 'union', or 'bring into alignment mind, body and spirit'. The alignment is achieved through both the asanas and the Eight Limbs of Yoga:
1. Yamas – Ethical and moral standards to govern our interaction with the world around us, 5 in total.
2. Niyamas – Rituals and self-care to interact with ourselves spiritually, 5 in total.
3. Asana – Physical yoga practice consisting of poses, meant to prepare us for meditation and help quiet our minds.
4. Pranayama – Life force, breath control. Can be done on its own, during meditation, or during yoga poses.
5. Pratyahara – Present awareness.
6. Dharma – Concentration and self-observance.
7. Dhyana – Meditation.
8. Samadhi – Enlightenment and peace/bliss.
Raja Vinayasa offers you the ability to unite your physical body with your mind and spirit, elevating you to your highest potential.
This class is taught in a way that is both suitable and beneficial for all skill levels.

"I’ve done many yoga classes but Sonali really teaches more than the poses. This practice has been passed down through her family from India & brought here. I am hooked & inspired to do it daily. I am learning how to truly connect with my inner self.
- Mary Kelley

Soni brings a genuine authenticity to the mat. Her classes are fun and challenging. Soni has a true love of teaching that joyously shines through and she revels in the energy of her students.
- Capri Pinto

"Soni has been a teacher of mine for over 25 years. Her classes take me on an inward journey where I feel transformation occur in real time. Soni mindfully guides the energy of the class with freedom and play, as well as a healthy physical challenge.
I enjoy Her deep reverence and respect for the lineage. She also mixes in fun scientific facts that help one further connect to the magic healing powers of yoga and truly experience the mind /body connection. Including the long journey down from the head to the heart. I look forward to the pranayama, meditation and asana each class offers and most importantly I leave feeling Uplifted and lighter every time.
- Joey Philo

Unlock your Divine potential through the practical and scientific path of Raja Yoga.
• Elevate your life with self-awareness and personal growth.
• Unlock Your Potential for Joy and Fulfillment
• Connect with your Inner Wisdom for Self-Awareness
• Experience the Benefits of Raja Yoga for Yourself
Learn Yoga in its purest sense. The origin of the practices of Raja Yoga is largely unknown, as its teachings have been around for thousands of years. They are believed to have come from a divine source and were further organized by Patanjali, a wise sage from around the 2nd century BC to the 4th century CE. He organized the teachings into 196 short and succinct phrases, referred to as Sutras, in order to ensure that the practices could be memorized and shared orally.
Sedonya supplies all of the props necessary for class, such as yoga mats, blankets, and blocks. If you have your own, feel free to bring them. The class begins at 9:30 am, and your initial session is complimentary.

Every Tuesday & Thursday
9:30 am - 11 am