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Ron Damico Sedona based spiritual guide and healer

About Ron Damico

Ron is a Sedona based Transformational Catalyst, Intuitive Healer, Spiritual Guide, and an Architect for the New Human Consciousness. He is a master mentor, teacher, and way shower who has been guiding people from all walks of life and backgrounds through the healing process for nearly two decades.

Sincere and compassionate, Ron uses his own unique form of energetic healing combined with his seasoned medical intuitive abilities to help his clients awaken their innate spirits, so they can meet even the most complex life challenges with strength and courage. He creates a safe, supportive, sacred space in which he uses his gift of intuitive insight to guide his clients through the process of personal transformation and empowerment.



When:  Twice a month on Wednesdays
Wednesday September 11th &  September 25th
Time:   6pm to 7:30 pm 
Exchange : 44 pp

Come experience your multi-dimensional nature as we move from a life of 3D survival and step into the energies of 5D consciousness. We are in the midst of a powerfully transformational time, and humanity is stepping into our ability to not only embody our spirit essence but live our multi-dimensional nature. This means that we are choosing to shift our consciousness from survival to thriving as an eternal being of divine origins and infinite potential.


During these healing sessions, Ron channels into the room Divine love, truth, and healing energy specifically guided for the group at the time, as well as what is helpful for the global collective of all life. Part of what moves Ron is the knowing that to heal one heals the world, and to heal the world heals the one. Ron will release blocks at the physical, emotional, psychological, and energetic levels for you to receive and process higher frequencies. 


These experiential healing sessions will include the following:


  • Guided healing immersions and heart-centered breath work to activate this multiversal way of being


  • Hands-On Healing for everyone - keeping the groups small assures everyone receives all their spirit calls for


  • Whole Being Scans/Readings


  • Open Q&A and Spirit lead insight from Ron and his guides 


  • Other forms of support will include Sound Healing through toning, Alchemy Crystal Bowls, and other forms of sound healing tools.


During this journey, we will move into the embodiment of:


  • Activating the Cosmic Heart


  • Moving into timing-based reality (I am as I am)


  • How it feels to live As the moment


  • Awakening and activating your highest potential to heal the past


  • Healing the mind/body/spirit disconnect


Ron brings to each and every group his 20+ years of experience, personal evolution, immense kindness, unconditional acceptance, and a vast capacity to see higher dimensions and truth. His masterful way of guiding people through anything they are going through will leave you touched by his deep caring, profound depth, and poetic grace.


These 5D Hands-On-Healing will be held on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of every month from 6:00-7:30 PM


Image by Mahdi Soheili

"I found Ron to be as deeply dedicated to my awakening and very precise in unearthing ... patterns that were keeping me stuck." 
-Daniela Mannucci


Ron has been able to identify issues and patterns that I always knew were there but could never fully articulate or completely heal despite years of working on myself and with other healers.

-Cara R.

All I can say is WOW,  ...far more intricate and advanced than anyone or anything I have worked with before



These experiential sessions will include the following:


Guided immersions into the essence of this multiversal way of being.


  • Hands-On healing  

  • Whole Being Scans  

  • Healing the mind/body/spirit disconnect

  • Laying the foundation for living a transformative life

  • Open Q&A and Spirit lead insight from Ron and his guides


Other forms of support will include Alchemy Crystal Bowls, toning, and other sound healing tools.


Join Ron as he immerses everyone in the higher frequencies of this 5D paradigm for 90 minutes. This will be an individual and group journey into the heart and soul of who you truly are. During this time, you will be guided and awakened to increase your ability to embody your true healing power and infinite potential. 


These 5D Revolution small group offerings will be held twice a month on Wednesday evenings at Sedonya, and will be limited to 15 participants.


To read more about Ron Damico and who he is please visit



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 These 5D Revolution offerings will be held twice a month on Wednesday evenings at Sedonya.


120 Deer Trail Drive 
Sedona, AZ 86336

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